Saturday 27 November 2010

轆轆 ~ Busy for Food

The little birds are all busy for food stuff before the winter... The photos have shown (i) Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥/花了哥; (ii) Asian Azure-winged Magpie 灰喜鵲; (iii) Masked Laughingthrush 黑瞼噪鶥; (iv) Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯/高髻冠.

Saturday 20 November 2010

懷古 ~ Ancient Memorial

中式傢具予人明淨自然之感。所有照片皆由Carl Zeiss T* ZF 50mm F1.4所拍。

Saturday 13 November 2010

小蝶 ~ Little Butterflies

It seems that there are fewer and fewer butterflies found in SMR country-park.... Is it due to the construction works there??

Saturday 30 October 2010

異色 ~ Colours Unnatural

Red, green and blue are the primary colours of light. With them, we have wide range of colours seen under the sunlight.

Saturday 25 September 2010

剎那 ~ Ksana

剎那表示極短的時間,是外來詞,來自梵文 ksana。印度《僧祇律》記載:「剎那者為一念,二十念為一瞬,二十瞬為一彈指,二十彈指為一羅預,二十羅預為一須臾,一日一夜為三十須臾。」意思是24小時有480萬個「剎那」,24萬個「瞬間」,1.2萬個彈指,30個須臾。推知「一剎那」是0.018秒。又據《大毘婆沙論》,一日一夜有30牟呼栗多,900臘縛,54,000怛剎那,6,480,000剎那、一剎那的長度大約是1/75秒(0.013秒)。因此可以了解到一剎那是十分短暫的時間,大約是照相機快門百分之一秒的速度。佛教經典《仁王經》中提到:「一彈指六十剎那,一剎那九百生滅」,算得事相的生成消滅率為每秒216,000次,或說每次生滅約4.6微秒;和目前科技所能達的飛秒時間尺度相比,或者和物理理論上真空漲落的時間尺度相比,也算是相當大的。(from:

Sunday 19 September 2010

Saturday 18 September 2010

娃娃 ~ Little Baby Gal (Part II)

See Part II of the photos:

娃娃 ~ Little Baby Gal (Part I)

Having a chance to take photos for a very beautiful and cutie baby gal today... she is a "mixed" and full of facial expressions that can't be found on most local babies... Very happy to have the honour to meet her!! See Part I photos:

Saturday 4 September 2010

Sunday 4 July 2010

追日 ~ Chasing Daylight

The sky is full of magical colours... it's the painting of the nature.

Saturday 19 June 2010

鳳園 ~ Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve

Visit the Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve today and found that the number of butterflies there was extremely small - may due partially to the very high temperature today but, more likely due to the construction work of a private housing estate nearby. What a pity!!